My father passed away last year. It was a Friday, so, two days later I found myself gathering to worship in my local church. I sat near the rear of the sanctuary, the area usually occupied by families with young children. Thus I was surrounded with the sound of babies babbling joyfully, combining with the […]

I Worried by Mary Oliver I worried a lot. Will the garden grow, will the rivers flow in the right direction, will the earth turnas it was taught, and if not, how shallI correct it? Was I right, was I wrong, will I be forgiven,can I do better? Will I ever be able to sing, even the […]

My grandmother passed away just over a year ago. Time has a strange hold on our perceptions, so it feels both very long ago, and just yesterday. She and I shared a birthday, and every year that our schedules aligned we would celebrate together. She would always bake me a German Chocolate Cake, and finally […]

Well, God give them wisdom that have it, andthose that are Fools, let them use their talents.Festes the Fool, Twelfth Night, by William Shakespeare I’ve always loved poetry. Beginning with the lighthearted, rhythmic and relatable poems we give to children; favorites like A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson. My love only increased when, as a […]

I took an accidental leave of absence from writing. Well, technically from blogging I suppose, I was still writing occasionally, in stunted starts and stops. At any rate, here’s a gentle return, which I hope will be one of many more to share in the coming year. As always, the few of you who have […]